Are You Responsible For Accidents Involving A Vehicle You Sold?
If you have recently sold a vehicle, chances are you do not expect to hear anything more about it after the paperwork is signed. However, if the new owner of the car gets into a car accident, you may face a lawsuit because you owned the car previously. This is especially frustrating and can cause you some anguish. Unfortunately, this is more common than you may think. The following are some things you should keep in mind when you sell a vehicle that is later involved in an accident:
Returning To Work After Your Work-Related Injury
After being injured at work and receiving workers' compensation coverage, your employer and their insurance provider will inquire when you are able to return to work. Whether you are excited to return to work or are dreading your first day back, it is important to understand when you are physically ready to resume your duties.
Here are a few points to consider before returning to work after a workers' compensation injury.
Buying A House? Why You Need A Real Estate Attorney
If you're like many people, buying a house is the most expensive purchase you will ever make. It's a serious undertaking and it should not be entered into lightly. While it's certainly a major investment, it's one that can definitely pay off for you if you choose wisely. That's why it's important for you to surround yourself with the right professionals before signing on the dotted line. A real estate agent is a must-have, but you might not realize that a real estate attorney can be beneficial to you as well.
A Slip And Fall At Your Apartment: Is Your Landlord At Fault?
According to the National Floor Safety Institute, an estimated 8 million Americans visit the emergency room each year after suffering a slip and fall. If you suffer an accidental fall inside your apartment or on the rental property, you might be wondering if the landlord is liable for your lost wages, hospital bills and the pain and suffering caused by your injuries. If you're considering suing your landlord after a slip and fall, here is some valuable information that will help you through this sometimes confusing legal process:
2 Things To Know About Suing A Car Rental Agency For Negligence
Settling a car accident is often a complicated and drawn-out process, but it can be even worse if the accident involves a car that you rented from a rental car agency. While the agency is not at fault for an accident you cause while driving a rental car, the agency may hold responsibility if there was a defect in the car. The hard part of a case like this is proving that the car had a defect and that this is the reason the accident occurred.
Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Here Are A Few Terms You'll Need To Know
Bankruptcy proceedings can be complicated, especially if you aren't familiar with the legal terminology used to refer to your debts and assets. Before you submit anything, it's important to understand how your debts will be handled and which assets you will be able to keep once the process is complete.
Types of Debt
Secured debts are tied to a piece of property like a home or a vehicle by a lien against it.
Can Your Child Receive Social Security Disability For Mental Health Issues?
If your child is dealing with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, or another disorder or diagnosis which may impair his or her ability to become self-supporting, you're likely looking into the various options available for your child's future. One of these options may include applying for and receiving federal disability benefits, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Read on to learn more about which conditions will allow your child to receive SSI payments, as well as the advantages and disadvantages to applying for these benefits now.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know About The Homestead Exemption
With chapter 7 bankruptcies, a trustee will cancel all your debts, but this doesn't mean you can keep your assets. To pay off these debts, the trustee will normally liquidate your assets, but legal exemptions may allow you to keep your home based on the available equity. Find out how these exemptions works, and learn more about what you need to do to hold on to this equity.
How the homestead exemption works
Disability Assistance: SSI, SSDI, And What Should You Expect To Receive
Being granted disability benefits can make you feel uplifted and exhilarated. For many, the difficult struggle to receive disability payments makes success that much more worthy of a celebration. Now that you qualify for disability payments, it's good to know what you can expect depending on the specific benefits you've been granted.
How Much Do Disability Benefits Pay?
Surprisingly, that depends entirely on how much you've earned in your lifetime before becoming disabled.
Shaken Baby Syndrome: How To Financially Take Care Of Your Shaken Baby
Imagine this—you leave your precious baby in the care of someone you trust so you can go to work, run errands or have some time to yourself. Then, a few hours later you receive a phone call and are told that your baby is in the hospital holding onto life with a diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome. Of course, your first main concerns are your baby's health and bringing the abuser to justice.