Are You Responsible For Accidents Involving A Vehicle You Sold?
If you have recently sold a vehicle, chances are you do not expect to hear anything more about it after the paperwork is signed. However, if the new owner of the car gets into a car accident, you may face a lawsuit because you owned the car previously. This is especially frustrating and can cause you some anguish. Unfortunately, this is more common than you may think. The following are some things you should keep in mind when you sell a vehicle that is later involved in an accident:
Returning To Work After Your Work-Related Injury
After being injured at work and receiving workers' compensation coverage, your employer and their insurance provider will inquire when you are able to return to work. Whether you are excited to return to work or are dreading your first day back, it is important to understand when you are physically ready to resume your duties.
Here are a few points to consider before returning to work after a workers' compensation injury.
Unexpected Factors That May Impact Your Child Custody Case
Child custody arrangements are one of the most emotionally challenging parts of any divorce. Even in cases where you and your former spouse are separating on amicable terms, settling on custody of your children is not an easy task. If you are unable to make satisfactory arrangements with your partner, then your case will go before a judge. It can often feel as though you are facing insurmountable odds when this happens, but it is crucial to understand that the court's only concern is for the welfare and well-being of your child.
Hiring A Real Estate Attorney For Your Next Property Transaction
Hiring a law firm that offers representation during real estate matters can be important for protecting yourself during these major transactions. However, you might not be entirely sure as to the ways that these services can benefit you as you are working to buy or sell one of these properties.
Contractual Reviews
Every real estate transaction will involve the creation and signing of contracts that will outline the details of the detail.
What To Expect From A Car Accident Attorney
Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident that you did not cause can be a huge hassle. If you're injured in a car accident, one of the best things you can do, for both your settlement amount and your sanity, is to hire an experienced car accident attorney to represent you. Don't worry about the cost of hiring a lawyer--almost all car accident attorneys work on contingency, so they do not expect a dime until you receive your settlement.
How To Effectively Handle Gender Discrimination In The Workplace
Feeling like you are being discriminated against at work because you are a woman and wondering what to do? Gender discrimination is never acceptable, but it is the kind of discrimination that happens quite often. You might be afraid to speak up about it work because you are afraid that you will lose your job or suffer other consequences that could keep you from advancing in your career. Although that is understandable, you should not have to fear for your job and continue to deal with discrimination simply because you are the opposite sex of most of the other employees at your current workplace.
DWI Blood Tests: FAQs
If you have been pulled over and suspected of drinking and driving, there is a good chance that a police officer is going to ask you to submit to a breathalyzer or even a chemical test. You may assume that you will 100% be convicted if you are charged after a positive DWI blood test, but it is possible to beat it. Keep reading to learn more about these tests as well as your individual rights.
Don't Let The Abandonment Issue Into Your Divorce
Child custody issues are among the most emotionally charged and contentious. When parents can agree to do what's best for the child, it's sure to create a more peaceful divorce, and the impact on the children is lessened considerably. Unfortunately, the stressful factors that lead to divorce can also cause some parents to act in ways that are not to their best interests nor the best interests of their children. Read on to find out more about child abandonment and child custody.
Misleading Myths About Your Auto Accident Case
An auto accident can be a devastating experience with long-lasting consequences. Unfortunately, individuals that are ill-informed about pursuing justice and protecting their rights can find themselves unprepared for these serious disputes.
Myth: Auto Accident Victims Are Guaranteed To Receive Compensation
Individuals that have been the victim of an auto accident may assume that compensation is essentially guaranteed. However, this is far from the case, and many individuals will find that they have to fight for fair compensation for the losses that they incurred.
Own A Business? 4 Ways An Employer Attorney Will Benefit You
If you own a company, you need legal representation. It's never a good idea to wait until a problem arises to hire an attorney. You want to have a strong working relationship with your business or employer attorney before the need arises. Here are four reasons why you can't afford to run a business without a strong legal team.
Assistance with Compliance
When you own a business, you need to pay attention to compliance issues.