
3 Timing Differences With Chapter 7 Bankruptcy And Chapter 13

There are numerous reasons to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy instead of Chapter 13, and one of the key reasons is to get it over faster. Going through bankruptcy is not necessarily a fun process. It requires meeting with an attorney and going to bankruptcy court, but if you can file for Chapter 7, all of this will be over faster. Here are several things to understand about the timing differences with these two chapters of bankruptcy.

5 Estate Planning Tips For Military Personnel

If you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you have several unique challenges regarding planning your estate. Even if you have limited assets, it is important to thoroughly plan your estate to make sure that survivor benefits go to the appropriate people and matters of your death and burial are handled according to your wishes. Because state laws and military regulations can affect how your estate is divided, it is important to have a clear plan outlined before you enter any high-risk situations.

Recruitment Discrimination Against LGBT People: What You Need To Know

Studies show that LGBT people often face discrimination when applying for a job, even though they may have all the relevant skills and experience necessary for the job. While discrimination on the grounds of race and gender is now outlawed in the United States, legislation against this type of discrimination is less advanced. If you think a recruiter discriminated against you because of your sexuality, learn more about the steps you may have to take and how you would need to prove your case.

What Does it Take to Sue for Psychiatric Malpractice in the Suicidal Death of a Loved One?

When people take their own lives, it's natural for surviving family members to question what may have led their loved ones to kill themselves or what could have been done to stop them. If you suspect your loved one's psychiatrist contributed to the person's suicidal mindset or failed in his or her duty to prevent the person from following through with the act, it may be possible to sue the doctor for psychiatric malpractice.

Tips For Dealing With An Auto Accident's Aftermath

When you've been involved in a car accident, you're going to find yourself facing a whirlwind of questions and medical exams. If you've decided to file a claim with the responsible party to get restitution for your injuries, you'll also be meeting with attorneys and dealing with insurance companies. As the time passes after the accident, you face many situations where you could actually hurt your chances of a claim. Here are a few things to keep in mind in the aftermath of the accident.

How Can You Tell If Your Parent Is Being Financially Abused -- And What Should You Do?

If you have a parent who requires daily assistance with personal tasks, but work full-time and are unable to perform this care yourself, you may be thankful to have hired a regular caregiver to provide nursing care and companionship. While this situation can often work out wonderfully for both the person in need of care and the adult child, in some cases it may give rise to financial abuse. You might find that your caregiver has stolen items from your parent's home, or persuaded your parent to give over control of bank accounts.

Understanding Duty Of Care In A Personal Injury Case

Along with the term "negligence", the term "duty of care" is one of the most often invoked phrases in personal injury cases. However, what is duty of care? If you're talking with a personal injury lawyer about pursuing a personal injury case, or if you are the defendant in a personal injury case, it is important for you to understand exactly what this phrase means. Throughout the course of this brief article, you'll learn how to precisely define duty of care, as well as how to unpack that statement and the consequences that it may have for you if you so find yourself as either the prosecution or the defendant in a personal injury case.

Understanding Assault And Battery As They Apply To Your Personal Injury Case

The most common cases that people think of when hearing about personal injury lawsuits are typically accidents, like slip and fall or auto accidents. That doesn't mean that you aren't eligible to file a personal injury suit if you were the victim of a deliberate attack. If you've been targeted and intentionally attacked, you'll need to explore your options for assault and or battery as a personal injury case. Here are the details of both and how they may be relevant to your injury case.

What Should You Know About Potential Changes To Federal Workers Comp Coverage?

If you work for the United States federal government or one of its many agencies, you've likely traded dreams of a high salary for the job security, potential pension, and other generous benefits afforded to you as a federal employee. However, proposed changes to the workers compensation program that covers federal employees may soon affect you if you're injured or made ill while on the job. Read on to learn more about these proposed changes, as well as how they may impact a future workers compensation claim.

A DWI Conviction Can Have Serious Consequences For Your Job Search

If you've been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI), you may be weighing whether to fight the charges or simply accept the consequences. One important factor to consider involves any job searches you're currently doing or plan to do in the future. Depending on the state in which you live, employers may legally ask about arrests and convictions when considering job applicants. They may run criminal background checks on applicants.