
Technology Your Custody Attorney Would Like You to Avoid During Your Divorce

The lack of the right type of communication is one of the leading causes of divorce today. But unfortunately, more communication is not always the right thing to do if you are going through a divorce or a child custody case. If the two of you are anything less than amicable, there are certain forms of technology that your custody or divorce attorney would probably prefer that you did not use.

Will A Judge Reinstate Your Bond After It Is Forfeited?

After making bail, you are required to meet certain requirements that are established by the court. If you fail to do so, there is a chance that you could face a bond forfeiture. If you are concerned that you have forfeited your bond, here is what you need to know. What Happens After a Bond Forfeiture? Bond forfeiture typically results from a missed court appearance. However, if there were other conditions placed on your bond, such as having to adhere to a curfew, and you failed to meet those, a court could rule that your bond be forfeited.

Is War Avoidable In A Divorce?

Contrary to what movies and television shows depict, it is possible to have an amicable parting with your spouse. If both parties are committed to it and willing to negotiate, it can happen. If you are unsure you and your spouse can avoid war in your divorce, here are some tips to help you do so: Hire a Mediator Mediation might not seem like the right decision if you and your spouse are having trouble negotiating for assets and debts, but it can be.

Do You Have A Worker's Compensation Mental Health Claim? What To Consider

Whether it's an overload of responsibilities or difficult-to-manage team members, these types of circumstances can increase stress and make going to work overwhelming. While an employer isn't necessarily required to make your time at work a breeze, they do hold some responsibility when it comes to your mental health – particularly when they are contributing to or ignoring the circumstances. Reviewing Your Role Responsibilities When determining whether you have a worker's compensation claim for a mental health issue, start by thinking about the parameters of your position.

Suing For Employment Discrimination

Searching for a job is the type of process that can take a long time before one is found. When you finally get called for an interview, it can cause a lot of anxiety, especially if you desperately need the job. If you went to a job interview and feel as though you were turned down due to discrimination, it might be a reason for filing a lawsuit. You should consider suing the other party only if you are sure that you were discriminated against, as well as if the incident caused problems in your life.

Keys To A Successful Fire Insurance Claim

If you find yourself in need of filing a fire insurance claim, you are probably in a precarious financial situation and can't afford to lose any more money. That is why it is crucial to take the right steps when filing your fire insurance claim to ensure that your claim goes through. Here are the steps that will most impact your outcome in a fire insurance claim.  Start the Claim Right Away

Two Ways A Manufacturer May Be Held Responsible For Exploding Batteries

Billions of batteries power billions of devices every year without any problems most of the time. Unfortunately, a small percentage go bad for one reason or another, resulting in accidents that have lead to property destruction and physical injury. For instance, a woman recently suffered facial burns when her battery-powered headphones caught on fire mid-flight. When incidents like this happen, it's possible to hold the manufacturer responsible for the accident in two ways.

3 Mistakes That Could Hurt Your ERISA Claim

An Employee Retirement Income Security Act plan, or ERISA, provides disability benefits when you are unable to work due to an impairment. When you apply for ERISA benefits, mistakes could result in your application being denied. At best, a mistake could result in your claim being delayed, which leaves you without income until you have corrected the issue. To prevent this, here are some claim mistakes to avoid.   Leaving Your Position Too Soon

What Are The Consequences Of A DUI And Should You Hire A Lawyer?

Drunk driving accidents occur much too often. In fact, 28 people in the U.S. die every day in car crashes that are caused by a drunk driver, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's why drunk driving accidents aren't taken lightly. If you are pulled over by a police officer and arrested for driving while drunk, you could face some serious consequences. What Happens After a DUI Arrest?

The Driving Mistakes That Could Cause A Head-On Collision And Trigger A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Head-on collisions are scary and can potentially be devastating with severe injuries or even fatalities. When one of these serious injuries occurs, it's possible that a personal injury lawsuit might be triggered. In many cases, these injuries are caused by high speed but that isn't always the only reason. There are many different reasons a head-on collision could occur. Here are just a few driving mistakes that are committed every day that could cause one of these types of collisions.