
What To Do When Your Paycheck Doesn't Come

Anyone performing labor for a company expects to be paid in exchange for this labor. Most employers distribute paychecks on a regular basis, but there is always the possibility that an employer can fail to complete payroll. You have several options available to you when your employer fails to pay you as agreed. Understanding these options will allow you to take immediate action to recoup the wages owed to you.

How A Medical Malpractice Case Advisor Can Help Doctors Deal With Lawsuits

Even when the best medical services are rendered, patients are sometimes not happy. Some of them get to the point of making false claims about medical malpractice. If you're a doctor currently dealing with this type of claim, you might want to hire a medical malpractice case advisor. You'll be happy you did for these reasons. Ensure Case Details Remain Private Your reputation is very important for your medical career and practice.

Who Should Be Held Liable When an Accident Is Caused by Brake Failure?

Accidents caused by brake failures are thankfully fairly rare, but they're usually severe when they occur. When a driver is unable to stop or slow down their car at all, a high-speed collision is likely. Unlike an auto accident caused by driver error, however, there may be more parties at fault in an accident caused by brake failure. The mechanic who last serviced the brakes or the auto manufacturer may be at fault for the accident.

Why You Need An Attorney After A Defective Car Seat Accident

Child car seats save countless lives. However, when child car seats are defective, they can fail to protect a child during a crash and may place the child at an even greater risk of sustaining serious injuries. If your child was injured due to a defective car seat, you may be able to file a claim against the car seat manufacturer. To seek compensation, you'll want to speak with a personal injury attorney.

Why A DUI Might Result In A Hardship License And What This Means

Getting arrested for a DUI will result in criminal charges, the criminal process, and consequences unless the court dismisses the charges. You can wind up with many consequences, even for a first DUI charge, and one of these is the requirement for a hardship license. If you do not understand why this happens or what this means, continue reading to find out more information. A DUI Is a Serious Driving Offense

Can You Receive Your Ex-Spouse's Social Security Payments?

You might be planning for your retirement and while you might have worked, you didn't earn as much as your ex-spouse did. You might think that if you were still married to them, you would share in their social security benefits payment, in the same manner that they would yours. You might not realize that you can still receive part of your ex-spouse's social security benefits payment after the divorce, and potentially if they are deceased as well.

Your Timeline For Dealing With A Personal Injury Case

Filing a personal injury claim is a process that tends to follow one of a few tracks. It's wise to understand how the timeline works, so let's take a look at how a personal injury lawyer would tell you to proceed with your case. Day of the Incident Your first goal should be to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If an EMT comes to the scene, accept care. If you're mobile, go to a hospital or clinic for further attention even if an EMT looked at your injuries.

What Cases Do Medical Malpractice Attorneys Take On?

If you are considering suing an organization or person for medical malpractice or healthcare negligence, you might have considered whether your case would be considered. Medical malpractice attorneys take on a variety of cases, perhaps more than you initially thought. Not sure if an attorney will take on your case? These are some of the common types of cases those attorneys take on. Misdiagnosis A medical misdiagnosis can be a serious issue, and it can even be fatal.

Arrested For Assault: How To Cope

If you've been accused of a violent crime like assault, failing to take the charges seriously could be a big mistake. There are crimes, and then there are violent crimes. Assault falls into a category that has a huge impact on your punishment, plea bargains, and bail issues. Read on to find out more about this serious charge and what to expect. Defining Assault Many people are under a mistaken impression of what assault really is.

Will The Consequences Be Worse For A Second DWI?

Getting a first DUI or a DWI happens to a lot of people, and courts are generally fairly lenient to people when they make this mistake one time. When a person encounters a second one, though, this is not always the case. A second DUI charge will likely result in worse and more severe consequences than a first one, and here are a few things to understand if you are now facing your second DUI.