
Three Ways To Plan For Your Passing When You Find Out You Have A Terminal Illness

Finding out that you have a terminal illness can be very overwhelming. There are many things that you will need to start planning in order to make your death as easy as it can be for your friends and family. The following guide walks you through a few things you need to do to make things as easy as they can be when you pass away. Hire an Estate Planning Attorney

Trying To Keep Things Civil? How To Work Towards An Amicable Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to put an end to your marriage, it doesn't need to result in an all-out battle. If you've both reached the same conclusion, and realized that there's no happy ending for your marriage, it's still possible to have an amicable divorce. This is particularly true if you're both willing to work together. Here are four ways that you and your spouse can work together to achieve an amicable divorce.

Employers: Keep In Mind That "Light-Duty" Accommodations Need To Be Handled Carefully

If you're an employer, you need to be careful how you go about offering light duty to any of your employees -- otherwise, you could end up on the wrong end of a verdict in civil court if the employee demands a permanent light-duty position and accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).  This is what you should consider: Offering Accommodations Can Benefit You In Court If you routinely offer "light duty"

Calculating Damages In A Defamation Case

If you are pursuing a defamation claim or lawsuit, you should be clear on the type and amount of damages to demand. A defamation lawsuit has both actual and assumed damages. The actual damages are meant to restore you to your rightful position; these are what you need to calculate to undo the damage done to you by the defamation. Here are some of the actual damages to pursue: Loss of Earnings

4 Pieces Of Advice To Avoid Ending Up In Jail Over A Facebook Post

It sounds like something that would happen in another country: You make a Facebook post and suddenly find yourself facing criminal charges. It happens all the time. In fact, it's happening with increasing frequency as the line between social media and the everyday lives of people tend to blur further together. More and more people think of Facebook as a combination of online diary and coffee shop or bar where they go to vent -- they either don't realize that they're potentially crossing legal boundaries with their posts or that the police are actually watching social media these days for evidence of crimes.

Three Faster Social Security Paths To Approval

When you are unable to work at your job because of a medical condition, you are probably suffering doubly. Not only are you in discomfort and pain due to your condition, you are also likely suffering from the financial repercussions of the situation. To make maters worse, the Social Social Administration (SSA) can take a long time to process your application and get your benefits started. If you fit the requirements, however, you may be eligible to travel a faster path to approval.

Revising VA Disability Appeals

Was your Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claim denied? Although the VA should send the denial reason to you with an informational packet, different regional offices may include short or confusing statements. Every claim is different, but a few claim system success tips can help you make your next appeal more successful. You Can Appeal As Much As You Want The VA understands that the process can be difficult, and except for extreme circumstances such as blatant forgery, you can appeal a claim or appeal decision as many times as you want.

Not All Social Security Disability Lawyers Are The Same: Why You Need To Know

There are several kinds of disability lawyers. Some are willing to take on cases for all types of disability benefits, while others may only take on cases for children. It is important to know just what kind of disability lawyer you need, so that you hire the correct one. Social Security Disability Attorney for Just First-Time Applicants If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits (or SSDI) for the very first time, it is advised that you hire a lawyer.

Estate Planning For Single Parents

As someone who has raised children on your own, you may be especially keen to preserve your estate for your adult kids after your death. With these tips, you can protect your children and ensure your estate is handled as you want. Name an Executor That Isn't One of the Children   If you trust your adult children, it may be a natural decision to name one of them as the person who will handle estate issues once you've died.

Tips For Requesting Medical To Use In Your Injury Case

Your medical records are some of your best forms of evidence if you are pursuing a personal injury case. You need to make an official request for these records from your doctor or hospital if you need them. Keep these tips in mind when making the request: Specify the Parts You Need It may be possible that you don't need all parts of your medical records. If that's the case, then specify which parts you need to expedite the process.