Disability Assistance: SSI, SSDI, And What Should You Expect To Receive

Being granted disability benefits can make you feel uplifted and exhilarated. For many, the difficult struggle to receive disability payments makes success that much more worthy of a celebration. Now that you qualify for disability payments, it's good to know what you can expect depending on the specific benefits you've been granted. How Much Do Disability Benefits Pay? Surprisingly, that depends entirely on how much you've earned in your lifetime before becoming disabled. [Read More]

Shaken Baby Syndrome: How To Financially Take Care Of Your Shaken Baby

Imagine this—you leave your precious baby in the care of someone you trust so you can go to work, run errands or have some time to yourself. Then, a few hours later you receive a phone call and are told that your baby is in the hospital holding onto life with a diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome. Of course, your first main concerns are your baby's health and bringing the abuser to justice. [Read More]

Car Accident Cases: What You Need To Know About Liability

If you are involved in an auto accident and have suffered serious injuries, as well as incurred piles of bills due to the accident, you might be wondering if hiring a lawyer to help you reclaim damages is a good choice for you. Accident and injury lawyers can help you get money needed to pay for costs relevant to your injury. There are a few things that are necessary for a good injury case, one of which is determining liability, as well as determining if negligence played a part in the accident. [Read More]

Drivers From Delavan WI Need DUI Attorneys

A single drinking and driving mistake has so many potential ramifications that it boggles the mind why anyone would make such a mistake in the first place. Yet, dozens of drivers every year in the state of Wisconsin still go out to bars and taverns on the weekends and drive home intoxicated. Those that think they can get away with it again and again are probably the most dangerous of all, because they think they are immune or they'll never get caught. [Read More]